100 Random Facts
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100 Random Facts
100 Facts
1. A compass needle doesn't point directly north.
2. The number of times a cricket chirps in 15 seconds, plus 37, will give you the current air temperature.
3. Cows give more milk when listening to music.
4. The Baseji is a dog that yodels instead of barking.
5. An electric eel can release a charge powerful enough to start 50 cars.
6. A Galapagos tortoise can take up to three weeks to digest a meal
7. The only one-syllabled U.S. state is Maine.
8. If you double one penny every day for 30 days, you would have $5,368,709.12 USD.
9. A male kangaroo is called a Boomer.
10. A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon.
11. Hawaii is the only U.S. state never to report a temperature of zero.
12. Honeybees navigate by using the sun as a compass.
13. Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique finger prints.
14. Dragonflies have six legs but cannot walk.
15. A pigeon's feathers are heavier than its bones.
16. Beavers were once the size of bears.
17. A duck can't walk without bobbing its head.
18. The only bird that can swim but not fly is a penguin.
19. The only continent without reptiles or snakes is Antarctica.
20. The humming bird is the only bird the can fly backwards.
21. Bamboo makes up 99% of a pandas diet.
22. At birth a Dalmation is always pure white.
23. Sea otters hold eachothers paws while they sleep so they don't drift apart.
24. Frogs never drink.
25. When the moon is directly overhead, you weigh slightly less.
26. Lizzards communicate by doing push-ups.
27. A ten-gallion hat holds les than a gallon of liquid.
28. No word in the english language rhymes with month.
29. There are 18 different animal shapes in the animal crackers cookie zoo.
30. Pigs can get sunburn.
31. The tongue is the fastest healing part of the human body.
32. Cats can hear ultrasounds.
33. Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.
34. Elephants are capable of swimming 20 miles a day.
35. The heads on Easter Island have bodies.
36. Pineapple works as a natural meat tenderizer.
37. The hottest spot on the planet is in Libya.
38. You lose up to 30 percent of your taste buds during flight.
39. Your nostrils work one at a time.
40. Only two mammals like spicy food: humans and the tree shrew.
41. A chef's toque contains 100 folds.
42. Rabbits cannot puke.
43. The M in M&Ms stand for Mars and Murrie.
44. Copper door knobs are self-disinfecting.
45. Cotton candy was invented by a dentist.
46. Marie Curie is the only person to earn a Nobel prize in two different sciences.
47. Fingernails do not grow after you die.
48. The English word with the most definitions is set.
49. Creedence Clearwater Revival has the most No. 2 Billboard hits without hitting No. 1.
50. The dot over the lower case i or j is known as a tittle.
51. Chewing gum boosts concentration.
52. The first computer was invented in the 1940s.
53. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
54. Bees sometimes sting other bees.
55. The total weight of ants on earth once equaled the total weight of people.
56. "E" is the most common letter and appears in 11 percent of all english words.
57. A dozen bodies were once found in Benjamin Franklin's basement.
58. The healthiest place in the world is in Panama.
59. A pharaoh once lathered his slaves in honey to keep bugs away from him.
60. Pringles aren't actually potato chips.
61. Abraham Lincoln's bodyguard left his post at Ford's Theatre to go for a drink.
62. Dolphins have been trained to be used in wars.
63. Playing the accordion was once required for teachers in North Korea.
64. Children's medicine once contained morphine.
65. Plastic Easter eggs and plastic Easter grass were invented by a man who holds more patents than Thomas Edison.
66. Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature.
67. Most laughter isn't because things are funny.
68. Our European ancestors were cannibals.
69. Dogs actually understand some English.
70. Pro baseball once had women players.
71. Riding a roller coaster could help you pass a kidney stone.
72. Dinosaurs lived on every continent.
73. Sea lions can dance to a beat.
74. Ferrari makes the most expensive car in the world.
75. The famed "Typhoid Mary" infected more than 50 people by cooking for them.
76. The legend of the Loch Ness Monster goes back nearly 1,500 years.
77. Nutmeg can be fatally poisonous.
78. Chinese police use geese squads.
79. The Comic Sans font came from an actual comic book.
80. For 100 years, maps have shown an island that doesn't exist.
81. The man who wrote Dracula never visited Transylvania.
82. The Australian government banned the word "mate" for a day.
83. Many languages have the same roots.
84. A tick bite can make you allergic to red meat.
85. Some planets produce diamond rain.
86. Sharks can live for five centuries.
87. It is illegal to sell a "bounceless" pickle to somebody in Connecticut.
88. The Bermuda Triangle isn't any more likely to cause a mysterious disappearance than anywhere else.
89. You can sneeze faster than a cheetah can run.
90. The fire hydrant patent was lost in a fire.
91. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia.
92. The cast of Friends still earns around $20 million each year.
93. Pluto technically isn't even a year old.
94. Cows kill more Americans each year than sharks do.
95. France has a dozen time zones.
96. Blue Ivy Carter is the youngest person ever to appear on a Billboard chart.
97. The first Star Wars was expected to be a flop.
98. Your liver can regrow itself in three weeks.
99. A 70-year-old woman once completed seven marathons in seven days, across all seven continents.
100. The man who founded Atari also started Chuck E. Cheese.